Grace Carillon

Grace Episcopal Church is blessed to have one of four carillons in the state of New Jersey.  The Grace Carillon was dedicated as a two octave carillon in March 1923. It was manufactured and installed by Gillett & Johnston. The carillon was later doubled in size by brothers Walter and Bertram Pittis. The new bells were manufactured by Paccard.  The second dedication was in May 1976.

– Traditional carillon of 47 bells
– Pitch of heaviest bell is E in the middle octave
– Transposition is up 4 semitones
– Keyboard range: C C / C G
– There are two missing bass semitones

IMGP3050The carillon is played from a keyboard located one floor beneath the bell chamber in the tower.

The keys are struck with the half-closed hand. In addition, the larger bells are connected to foot pedals.

The keyboard allows expression through variation of touch.




IMGP3041Individual cables connect each bell to the keyboard.  The bells remain stationary.  The wire pulls the clapper into the bell.






Large BellsThe largest bell weighs 2296 pounds and is over 5 feet tall.






IMGP3039The 47 bells are arranged on steel and wooden beams.






Jeff at KeyboardCarillonneur Jeff Spelman at the keyboard.







Factory picture of the original Gillett & Johnson configuration (1923).


Click here for a photo gallery tour of the bell tower.